The pros and cons of Xeros time tracking feature


Forecasting Use AI to guide staffing levels based on sales, foot traffic, and more. Employee App Approve PTO, make schedule changes, and engage employees on the go. Payroll Integrations In-house payroll and HRIS integrations to keep employee data in sync.

  • Employees are matched between Xero and Deputy based on their full name and email address.
  • Currently, best practice is to sync invoices one way, from WORK to Xero with more options and other scenarios due shortly.
  • Manage your project workforce and budgets better, and instantly generate sales invoices and pay reports with a few clicks, and export straight to Xero.

You have full visibility of your award rules and how they apply to the timesheet records submitted by your staff. Resourcing, forecasting, invoicing, timesheets, expenses, leave booking, and project management for professional services. Specially designed for software firms, architects, engineers, and management consultants. “We made two game-changing decisions in our business in 2011. The first was discovering WORK after many hours testing many systems. The second was discovering Xero’s cloud accounting software, and ditching what many consider the gold-standard of accounting applications.

It is the only platform with millions of ready-to-activate integrations! With Integrately, you can integrate Xero & Harvest with 1000+ apps in the next few minutes, without any technical skills and zero learning curve. Boost cash flow and reduce back-office costs by combining timesheets, client approvals and invoicing in one powerful agency-branded cloud application. Automatically send your invoices to your accounting software. Alternatively for simpler one way integration workflow you can use our Zapier integration to send Avaza invoices to Xero.

ClockShark and Xero Time Tracking Integration in a Snap

Include the timesheet detail your client needs, & send them off for payment from Xero. Our innovative approach to time entry makes tracking your time enjoyable. Increase your profitability by tracking time you would otherwise miss and spending less time following up your team, MinuteDock is just so simple and efficient.

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It’s all online, so you can bill from anywhere. Get important information from your team in the field when they clock out, and receive timely notifications of unexpected responses. “We also love the ability to add numerous attachments to shifts for download by Administration staff.” ClockShark is trusted by more than 9,500 companies and over 100,000 field service and construction professionals worldwide. If left blank, Xero will auto-generate this from your default invoice numbering. If you want Xero to auto-generate a Quote Number for you, leave this field blank

Productivity Tools Of The Year with apps like Paypal and Wise for direct payments. All of this takes up a lot of manual time and energy and hampers productivity and efficiency. Try a 30 day free trial and join the 1000+ companies already using Beebole.

Employee information will automatically besynced every 15 minutesand there is also amanual syncoption. If you turn on “Xero Pay Templates”, the source of truth is Xero, meaning Deputy pulls the information from Xero into Deputy. If you don’t choose to turn on “Xero Pay Templates” the source of truth will be Deputy and Deputy data will push to Xero. A guide to setting up integration from Lentune to Xero.

xero projects

Or schedule a quick demo to discuss your specific needs. Time Clock Track employee time and attendance, breaks, time off and overtime. If you have multiple card files for employees in Xero, ensure the correct employee is mapped. One simple tool to measure everything your business needs. One more click and the invoice is synced with Xero for faster billing.

Automatically copy Harvest invoices to Xero

You can set up your xero bank feeds your hour tracking, accounting, and team payroll. Project management can also be improved through this integration. Countable is a cloud-based, working paper automation and management tool. It helps accounting professionals integrate accounting software, automate engagements, and centralize workflows. Countable’s built by CPAs for CPAs, and comes with unlimited support and a no-commitment, 30-day trial. Using WORK to manage your business means using one platform to manage sales, projects, products, expenses and billing.


Invoices sent from Invoxy create draft accounts receivable invoices in Xero, so you can manage your aged debtors and reconcile your accounts in no time. Toggl Track’s free browser extensions embed a Toggl Track timer into the interface of more than 100 apps, allowing you to track time within the app itself. After approving your timesheets you will then be ready to export from Deputy into Xero. It’s allowed us to build up data on staff costings. Payroll 8 years ago was a 3 or 4 day job, we can now move it through in hours. Cut down on busy work by linking Harvest to Xero so that invoices sent to clients in Harvest automatically copy over into Xero.

Find Rate

This app allows you to record Freshdesk timesheet entries as billable items on Xero draft invoices. Our software’s power, simplicity, and mobility has earned us more than 330,000 happy customers — who are our greatest advocates. With Deputy, you’re not just saving time and money. You’re making life easier for your teams and helping them provide better service.

The default time type is ‘Ordinary Hours’ though you can change this if necessary when enabling the function. Leverage our robust SDK, rich component libraries to build business apps backed by serverless capabilities on our developer platform. If you are not hands-on, we got you covered with our easy to use low code app builder. does the heavy lifting for scheduling & attendance, then pushes timesheets to Xero when it’s time for payroll. Projectworks is software for your entire business, with tools for everyone on your team whether they are PMs, execs, working in HR or handling the books. We will automatically sync all your existing clients so you don’t have to manage clients in several places.

TimeDock is a plug-and-play cloud time clock system with time-clock hardware and mobile time tracking apps for a real-time time and attendance experience. Xero payroll offers limited invoicing and billing features in all of their plans. For instance, you can set up recurring invoices for your employees but you can’t enable automatic recurring payments. Xero is a great accounting solution for businesses. However, when it comes to employee productivity and time tracking, it has its limitations. In order to track time for individual tasks in Xero, you’ll need to use Xero Projects.

Take the pain out of payroll with this handy new integration between WorkflowMax and Upsheets. Pushing timesheet data into Xero can now be done in just a few clicks saving you time and ensuring accuracy. Now available in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The simPRO Xero Accounting Link integration has been recently updated (21.4.3) to allow timesheets to be posted to Xero. We would like to hear your feedback on the new features.

Bank Account Number

When WorkflowMax and Zendesk work together, the time widget lets your support agents enter time in the ticket they’re working on. “Great Zapier Alternative, getting better all the time.” Integrately lets you integrate Xero and Harvest instantly – without any learning curve.

Moreover, other online accounting software such as FreshBooks, ZohoBooks, or QBO offer more affordable and convenient time tracking features in their basic plans. Xero time tracking add-on app makes invoicing accurate based on the time tracked directly on your Xero customers. Timesheets can be filled out automatically, and project time can be tracked through our desktop app. Log in anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet, or phone to get a real-time view of your cash flow.

  • And when you sync across to online accounting software, all this business-critical data is immediately available in your accounting software.
  • We’ll use Zoom to support your staff in different locations and can record the demonstration for your subsequent review.
  • Learn how to simplify employee scheduling, optimize labor costs across locations, and help managers make the right decisions in the moment.
  • We will keep synching and display up-to-date invoice status, number, issue date and invoice amount on our invoices page.

You also have the option of copying a payment over to Xero when a customer pays a Harvest invoice. The current integration can only sent across one Pay Item type. If you need to track multiple types, such as overtime etc, you need to complete this within Xero from the draft Timesheet page before approval. The timesheet information WorkGuru will send to Xero is displayed for review. Add the Xero module to your Timecloud account, click “connect” to seamlessly link Timecloud to Xero, then configure the integration according to your payroll needs.

You can connect these two software programs using a simple series of steps. Receipts and timesheets are generated using TimeCamp and Xero’s accounting software. A system ofhourly time tracking for Xero users is put in place, which records the activities during the said time and helps generate invoices.